Enhancing at an Early Stage the Investment Value Chain of Energy Efficiency Projects
Triple-A has a very practical result-oriented approach, seeking to address this challenge, answering the following questions:
✔ How to assess the financing instruments and risks at an
early stage?
✔ How to agree on the Triple-A investments, based on
selected key performance indicators?
✔ How to assign the identified investment ideas with
possible financing schemes?

In particular, the Triple-A scheme is introduced, for identifying “Triple-A” energy efficiency investments, aiming to reduce the respective time and effort required at the crucial phase of the investments conceptualization, as well as to increase transparency and efficiency of respective decision making. By introducing this new scheme, we seek to make energy efficiency investments more transparent, predictable and attractive for investors / financiers and project developers. In this respect, the main challenge lies in identifying which investments can be considered as Triple-A investments, fostering sustainable growth, while also having an extremely strong capacity to meet their commitments, already from the first stages of investments generation and pre-selection/ pre-evaluation.
Triple-A Scheme
The Triple-A scheme compromises three critical steps (answering each question), with the following main outputs:
✔ Step 1 - Assess: Member States (MS) risk profiles and mitigation policies, including a Web based database, enabling national and sectoral comparability, market maturity identification, good practices experiences exchange, reducing thus uncertainty for investors.
✔ Step 2 - Agree: Standardised Triple-A tools, efficient benchmarks, and guidelines, translated in consortium partners’ languages, accelerating and scaling up investments.
✔ Step 3 - Assign: In-country demonstrations, replicability and overall exploitation, including recommendations on realistic and feasible investments in the national and sectoral context, as well as on short- and medium-term financing.
The Triple-A case study countries were selected to promote diversity across a number of factors, including:
a leading European economy (Germany), an innovation front-runner
in energy (The Netherlands), a weak economy, went through one of
the longest and most severe recessions (Greece), an economy with
slow economic recovery (Italy), a diversified economy with a
strategic geographical location having some of the largest European firms (Spain),
a country that has experienced one of the fastest economic recoveries in Europe (Lithuania), a progressing country with a once sceptical stance
towards low-carbon development (Czech Republic), and a country,
recovering from a slow transition to a market economy, with growing regional strategic role and significant
ambition towards EU processes (Republic of Bulgaria).